Nudges for November ~ 30 Oct 2020

When the world stands in clusterflux mode as it is currently, believing in the transits ability to deliver upbeat outcomes remains difficult to do. The feeling of “Will this ever end?” hangs overhead like a psychic sword of Damocles. Good grief, enough already. Will 2020 ever flipping end?

Yes. In two months, of course. Until then, the planets align through complicated aspects that intend to offer support for the mental mayhem and emotional ectoplasm-like gooey reactions of those on Earth below. Dare we hold hope to believe that the planets move with the intent to sort some fluxed up things? More to the point: Dare we not?

The transits offer a series of nudges for November. To work up a plan, how about a nifty transiting planet kluge for the month ahead? No, it does not include all the planets in transit. However, these definitely promise a ping on the chime that signals consciousness to pay attention and recollect wits for the times ahead. True, many of these transits reflect political scenarios and coronavirus complications. With those, and the U.S. election looming, here’s a thought that can be considered.

Note that Mercury turns direct next week on the day of the United States presidential election. While many astrologers cringe at the implication of a Mercury standstill (as least standstill as perceived on Earth), I have often seen unexpected, implausibly positive results on Mercury stations. That said, I believe far more will be known on election night than most pundits hold possible. While all the vote may not be counted, how it’s all going to shake out could be quite clear - I’m holding hope for that. Of course, this by no means implies that politicians voted out will concede and gracefully accept defeat. There are many transits to follow that imply bluster, threats, lawsuits to contest elections and deny the evidence of real world reality.

Okay, let’s return to more useful applications of the upcoming skyborne stimulations...

Tomorrow the Sun in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. This is huge because the Sun stands as the primary light spreader (conscious attention) and gravitational director of the entire solar system. Up for a change of plans to set up the journey for the last two months of this year? Let’s hope so. A clear and attentive engagement to go with unexpected opportunities that appear promises positive returns as soon as January. That’s very cool. It’s like the solar system offers up its own version of “Trick or Treat.”

5 November: Mercury in Libra inches forward to square Saturn in Capricorn

Inches because Mercury moves slowly coming off its station and there may be a tad of tentativeness as they approach Saturn. No matter, this is a time for creating “best-laid” plans. Whether a mouse, a woman, a man, a they/them, or other, write down whatever agenda feels like a good fit for a determined listing of action items to check off by year’s end - a set of best laid plans. Coming off Mercury retrograde, not all items tick off in the order planned. Some tasks might be lined through without completion, declared no longer relevant or interesting. No matter. Because the proverbial can was kicked down the road, new and fresh vantage points permit views of new items to add to the list of dedicated, diligent tasks destined to receive Saturn’s favor. One other detail: seek impeccable clarity on what persons you want to accompany you on this journey.

9 November: Venus in Libra opposes Mars in Aries

Any Venus-Mars aspect stirs the fires under the cauldron of life passions. An opposition ranks in the top three of intensity in this aspect genre. The personal question is: What do you want and how are you going to go about getting it? Actually, never mind that. Simply, get your carcass motivated in the direction of seeking out any and all things that provide a level of pleasure and satisfaction fit for creating an environment of creative inspiration. For instance, let’s say that the purchase of some clothing item that had been deferred because of the coronavirus’ clearing of social calendars goes on sale... and you really want it. You may not need it; you want it.

If the purchase can occur without compromising basic life necessities, go for it. If it makes you feel like an “it” person, even better. This transit says, “If you want it, go get it. No more window or comparative shopping. Pull the trigger already.”

Remember those you recently decided you want to include in this year’s close out adventures? Extend your invitation with the fullest fervor possible and accept the reply received.

Get ready to commence the new year with a fresh Jupiter and Saturn sign to add renewed distinctive emotional texture.

12 November: Jupiter and Pluto align in Capricorn

Together Jupiter and Pluto might seem to signal a rise in propagation of Plutocracy. That would certainly be the case were it not for the aspects of Jupiter to Eris within the next week. There’s also the matter of Pluto’s square to Eris on 10 December. Presently, the matter of economic disparity and afford ability of life’s essentials becomes a notable theme. This transit approximately coincides with the United States Supreme Court hearing arguments contesting the Affordable Care Act and all that implies. Pluto does rule insurance and such things. A consolation with this aspect is, rest assured if the act is partially or mostly discarded, newly elected lawmakers already compose bills to present next year and with the insights derived from the snafus that ACA brought with it taken into account.

The personal question with this pattern is: Are you powerless to do anything about the decisions being made by “those in positions of power” that impact your life in profound ways? Here’s an antidote: Create your place in life where you can boldly proceed with your greatest creative attributes in tow. Once you hone the skills and talents and set out on that road, take off Pluto’s helmet of invisibility. That’s right, let God and All Creation see what you have to offer. When your notoriety rises, and you are positioned to address the world at large, then offer your insights and better yet, be heard. The seeds of making a difference get sown in such times.

15 November: Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn

Venus squares Pluto, then the next day, scurries along to square Jupiter. Virtually concurrent with her square to Jupiter, she opposes Eris. Venus to Jupiter inflames passions, yearnings and desires. Venus to Pluto works the fulfillment sought within the psyche such that any inhibition or ingrained emotional prohibition gets discarded. Then, there’s Venus to Eris. Eris asks Venus if what she seeks and wants will truly feed her soul. When a satisfactory non justified reply can be rendered by Venus, Eris whispers, “Be careful what you wish for,” then helps Venus open the portal platform to personal fulfillment.

The psychic caution of any Eris configuration encourages an assessment of if what is sought is good for what ails you or if it is a matter of maintaining what one feels to be mastering social accord and economic parity.

17 November: Jupiter in Capricorn squares Eris in Aries

This is huge. It’s enormous. Potentially the reverberations are Earthshaking. Yet, this transit may be subtle, behind closed doors and out of view. Why? One reported meaning for Eris’ name is “Things you know not of,” thus creating a sense of exclusion from what really matters and impacts ones life.

In mythology, Jupiter summoned Eris to reverse the order of the heavens for one day such that a bad election result, according to Jupiter, could be corrected to his preference.

As a screenwriter I can conjure up a dozen plot lines for this aspect ranging from the king gets tossed from the palace by Jupiter or by his own exaggerated Jupiterian behavior, to tales that reek of conspiracy. All of these would be phenomenal... outside the realm of credibility, except with the way this year’s gone, such speculative stories seem highly possible.

Here’s what I would contend outside of fantastical plot points to be elements included in this pattern: the justice department (Jupiter) of any country, any power-struck leader (Pluto, still conjunct Jupiter) who invokes ill will with Jupiter, those who love to threaten military action (Eris, she lusted for war and bloodshed), groups based on or defending conspiracies (Jupiter), those who intentionally exclude a section of humanity (classic Eris), those loving mayhem as a life management modality (Eris).

Those who are boisterous and blustery and are concluded by Jupiter to be full of frijoles soon endure Jupiter’s wrath. Some individual, likely a person Mercurial in nature, will be dispatched to present the subject of Jupiter’s ire a scenario/riddle that simultaneously cannot be refused and cannot be solved. We may not know of this event for some time to come. We may only be able to perceive its result.

Collectively, we’re going to ride the shock wave of the Jupiter to Eris square for the next ten days. Likely there will be significant disorientation. Pundits who proclaim they can answer all “what-if” scenarios do not ease the psyche. It’s far better to let the dust settle without obsessing about things not known and return to settling personal matters.

Personal matters such as how do you get noticed in the realms where you really need to be noticed? Sit with this a spell... a spell here consisting of a week and a half. Then, when other transits grease the gears, shift into upscaling gears and take on the terrain ahead in four-wheel drive consciousness mode.

27 November: Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus

This picks up where the month started - a personal astrological effect in cahoots with Uranus. As such, this aspect applies grease to the gears as the preceding Jupiter-Eris square squealed and pleaded to receive.

So here “it” is. Unexpectedly and serendipitously it stands across the crowded room. What are you going to do? Venus in Scorpio might be content to emanate vibes in hopes of attracting the “it” from across the room. Uranus prods and pokes you to cross to that person, place or thing that reeks of Holy Grail for your aspirations. Combining these influences, you glide through the room to engage the object of your attention. Give it the Venus in Scorpio make sure it’s as good close up as in the wide shot scan, emanate your best, and say hello. Offer what you’ve got. When the reply comes, apply gracious receptivity. When a bird lights in your hand, give thanks and stare beyond the two in the bush.

30 November: Ceres conjunct Gonggong in Pisces

November’s nudges tidy up with the master advocate, Ceres, aligning with the relatively unknown dwarf planet, Gonggong. The emphasis of Gonggong is Pisces/Libra by orbital elements - compassion within all relationships, kindness with every action. The pattern feels like an oxymoron as Ceres demands that everyone play nice in the sandbox with “or else” in the subtext. How does that work?

Actually Ceres’ filters are better applied to a person’s own behavior. If kindness becomes the means of approach to all situations in life, there will be some magnetizing of like attracts like. There will other situations in which difficult circumstances diffuse and tension evaporates. There will be other situations in which adversaries turn and walk away. All these are desired outcomes.

It’s been a year. Within that year, a bit of an edge can be applied to even the softest of souls. Should something inspire the need to defend, or advocate or fight, take a moment to step back. Think like water... into what crevice of consciousness can inspiration and creativity flow, instead of going tsunami on circumstances? Consider what you want and what approach best assures that outcome without cutting off the nose to spite the face.

Realizing that’s a heap of stuff for November, consider that we have seven weeks of notable weirdness left in 2020. Cake walk from here, right!? About the time the next season shifts, so shall collective consciousness. Hold that thought!